Holiday Frolic Daylong Retreat
A Live Online Retreat with Lama Rod Owens
Saturday, December 17th, 2022 from 10:00am - 5:00pm ET
Tis the season to be jolly – so why are so many of us unhappy during what is supposed to be one of the most magical times of the year?
Family get-togethers that devolve into fights over politics, maxed out credit cards, sadness that another year is passing with the many crises at our collective doorstep, this season can be a painful period of reflection, loneliness, anxiety, and depression.
This daylong retreat with Lama Rod Owens on Saturday, December 17th, 2022 from 10:00am - 5:00pm ET is a special opportunity to come together as a community to feel more at home, connected, and nurtured through practice, self-care, ritual and some campy, holiday-themed fun!
Lama Rod will lead us through grounding practices to make room for grief and process loss, help us connect to our personal lineages and foster our homecoming to heal, celebrate, and support us as we move through the year to come.
The online retreat will include:
- A full day of live talks and interaction with Lama Rod Owens
- Guided meditation
- Contemplative and embodied practices
- Journaling exercises
- Opportunities for celebration and fun
- Optional breakout sessions & group discussion
*Be sure to wear your ugly holiday sweater!
Registration Options
(select the tuition below that best matches your ability to pay)
What if I cannot attend the whole retreat?
You are encouraged to join us for the entire retreat but if something comes up, it will be recorded and shared with you for you to watch later.
Is there a refund policy?
Full refunds are available prior to December 17th, 2022. Once the retreat has begun we are not able to issue refunds.
Is there financial assistance available?
Through the support of those who register at the highest registration option, we have a limited amount of scholarships available. Email [email protected] if you are in need of financial assistance. If you are able to contribute to our ability to offer scholarships, your generosity by choosing the highest priced registration option supports our ability to offer more financial support.
How long will the retreat recordings be available once I register?
All retreat content and recordings will be available indefinitely.
Other Questions?
For any other questions about this course, please contact [email protected]
Student Feedback from Last Year
This retreat was so beautiful. I think it taught me more doorways in accessing spaciousness with pleasure and connection.
It was a much need opportunity to reconnect, practice, laugh- everything :)
A wonderful and much needed time to celebrate and hang out with Lama Rod...
It was really really restorative & empowering to have this space to connect with others & to be able to consider difficult questions. The Q&A sections were helpful, the practices were inspiring, & the sharing & empathy going on in the chat were beautiful.
It was a great re-set for my practice
It was a breath of fresh air for me. It makes me feel connected to attend these kinds of events and see that others are wondering about the same questions as I am. And Lama Rod's message of authenticity and fabulousness, and the playful way he approached the retreat, has given me strength to move closer to my authentic self.
Comfort and joy. Appreciated so much the practice and playfulness and fabulousness.
It was a great opptunity to reroot during earth practices and be served gems
This was one of the most healing, liberating experiences I had: Lama Rod's fabulousness--which is simultaneously fun and profound--was a great reminder of the importance of the emotion of 'play' (in neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp's view of basic emotions, which include seeking, lust, rage, grief, fear/panic). Central Buddhist teachings as well to be remembered and to make self-insight, interpersonal relationships and the holidays much improved
This time together brought me back to loving my fabulousness and remembering why it’s necessary and a beautiful expression of emptiness.
It was fantastic, redemptive, thought provoking, loving, and meaningful to be in community with Lama Rod and folks around this time.
A perfect chance to reset. Be present with others seeking meaning.
I loved being in the presence of someone who could roast and honor, at the same time. Fabulous!
I was really touched by it and it made me feel close in spirit to all who attended. I felt it opened my heart.
I learned so much! I've seen places I need to focus my practice more, and I've seen where I need to play more, bring more of my whole self into it, so as to bring it out into the world more.
It has helped me move into the holiday season with more enthusiasm, appreciation, and gratitude.
It was really wonderful and special to be able to speak with Lama Rod directly :)
The practices were so luxurious in allowing us to give and receive love. So very resourcing.
Holidays are difficult and holding space with everyone meant so much. It was wonderful!
Thanks for the smiles
Just that I feel really privileged to have been able to attend & experience it. Thank you!!!
I loved your bright and powerful energy—the art, the Christmas tree, the lewks :) I am here because I find the buttoned up meditation teachers, well, buttoned up. Thanks for bringing your whole self to this—it makes me feel like I can bring my whole self too.
I appreciated how Lama Rod showed a lot of different books and cited other friends and teachers. I like to be reminded of how to show gratitude and acknowledge people who have influenced us.
I just want to offer my gratitude to Lama Rod and his team.
Thank you for offering it I felt it was special and brought a sense of “virtual community family” that has me curious to investigate and participate further
This was such a blessing. Eternal gratitude
A fellow seminarian had just passed away. The visualizations really helped.
I'm just SO glad I was able and chose to participate!
Gentle, restorative, incredibly playful, I appreciate connecting with the community at least a little bit more personally than over crowdcast, and ofcourse just intimate gratitude for Lama Rods labor and the loving labor of all those who supported that experience
It was lovely!
The costume changes and book reviews were great!!
It was fun and flowed beautifully. Thank you!
Thank you. It was really well organized!!!!!
I appreciate the generosity, skill, and fabulousness of Lama Rod and the team who helped make this possible!
I made a bunch of Christmas cookies and listened to carols right after the retreat. In my adulthood, I've often been a bit of a grinch about the holidays but I'm learning to love them again. Thank you!
just- thank you :)